Used to add and configured new actions on the character based on animations, and which can be activated by input at any moment in-game, by events, or on certain parts of the scene, like pressing a button to interact with it, sitting on a chair, open a door, open a chest, pick an object, etc.
It can be also used combined with the ability system, to make spell casts, like throwing fire, electricity, poison, and any type of magic or power and it can be used for other stuff, like the melee action system, reloading weapons, enter/exit from vehicles, etc.
This gameObject contains a multitude of different systems, which have been added in previous updates, having placed each new system/component in its own empty gameObject, to make these systems easy to manage, locate and disable/remove/extend and get a more modular asset.
Most of them have a name very related to its function on the asset:
The reaction system is called by the damage events of the health system internally, sending the signal of the damage received and position and mount so the system can know the direction and trigger the reaction which is basically to call to the action system of that character.
Each one having a main ID as the current category of reactions so you can have categories for reactions according to the state of the character like reactions from close combat, melee, etc...
That is the default reaction type so it follows a similar logic to the melee attack types you have a list of stuff with a type so the system checks for the elements on the current state and triggers the closest to the direction of the attack.
Sending the signal for an action system it self to play that animation
It contains the camera used for the inventory menu, to examine objects in 3d view on that menu panel, and the camera used for the map menu respectively.
It contains the stats and skills systems used to manage different values (remain health, money, stamina, energy, etc…) on the player and its skills configured (like double jump, grab objects, throw objects, gravity control, powers, abilities, etc…) and save/load its info between games, along with getting values in-game for those systems that could need to access to that info quickly and without need to get references to each specific component.
It also contains the main experience system, to get XP and configure each level of the player, for RPG elements, setting the skills to unlock or the increase of stats values to obtain on each new level. It also has the experience menu, to see the statistics of the player and the skills menu, to unlock or improve abilities configured on that system. Of course, these elements are configured in different components in this object.
It allows to customize categories for the inventory menu, so the player can filter ingame the objects on its inventory for categories, instead of seeing all the objects at once in the inventory grid.
For example, to check only the weapons that he carries, or its ammo, the main quest objects, consumables, etc…
How to setup and configure a new Skill Tree
Setting up a new Skill Tree in Game Kit Controller is very straightforward.
The first thing to do is to set up some new skills in the Player Skills System.
And in the Skill UI System, you assign the element on UI assigned to it. When you select the UI on the Skill Tree, the system detects the one pressed in order to unlock or enable the Skill info assigned to it.
The name of the new Skill System needs to match the name of the Skill UI. You can add a new one in the Player Skills UI System directly below the Player Skills System.
Once you've added your new Skill System to the UI, press Assign Skills To Slots so that it's added to the Skill System index.
It allows to configure any type of ability by input, allowing to create new abilities based on scripts or activate and use any of the current powers/abilities or actions in the player, like grab objects, floating in the air, activating the gravity control ability, teleport, throw fire, uses the grappling hook, etc.
Any of these abilities can be used also separately, using its own input, instead of the default used for the ability system itself, triggered by Q by default.
Used to configure different designs of the inventory menu, mostly used to show a full inventory menu or a more simplified with the inventory grid on the side of the screen, to allow to see the actual world on the scene to use inventory objects on it, similar to last Resident Evil games and remakes.
Used to configure the different panels used on screen which shows the current actions input available according to the state/mode of the player, like using weapons, driving, using powers, examining an object, using the melee system, close combat, etc…
It also contains the different control schemes for the touch controls, having a list of different modes to activate different touch panels and hide others, so each player state/mode can have its own touch input panel, like a touch panel to drive, to use weapons, melee, close combat, etc… and avoid the need to have all those touch buttons always active.
Used to show panels in the screen for text, allowing to configure any type of text panel, with different size, font, design, etc… and be activated by the prefabs called Info Panel, showing info in-game on certain parts of the scene without pausing the game, in an easy way.
It contains the different components used for the save system in the game, for elements like inventory, weapons, vendor system, skills/experience, in-game settings, and more, allowing to add new components easily to manage new info to save, being easy to extend this info now than before (and more improvements will be added to the main save system itself in next updates).