Getting Started
Recommended Unity Version
Currently Game Kit Controller requires a minimum version of Unity 2017.1.0f3. You should not use an older version than this because Unity is not backwards compatible with older versions of Unity.
GKC will soon require a minimum Unity version of Unity 2019.4 LTS in a future update, keep an eye on the Discord or Changelog for more information on when this change will happen.
Game Kit Controller generally works with all newer LTS versions too (i.e. 2020 LTS), and they are officially supported. Support for pre-release versions of Unity will be limited due to their unstable nature.
When the minimum version of Unity changes to 2019.4 LTS GKC will no longer support older Unity versions like 2018 or 2017.
If you need to continue using an older version of Unity you will unfortunately have to use an older version of GKC with support for your Unity version.
Video Tutorials
If you're more of a visual learner or just looking for videos tutorials for Game Kit Controller check out our tutorials section which has lots of videos showing you different mechanics and how to get started with Game Kit Controller.
About this Documentation
The documentation is organised in a user friendly way. It is always advised you read first the Overview (i.e. the top most page of a section) page for each section, if it exists. Then you can decide to follow the guide from top to bottom or jump to between sections.
Throughout the documentation you'll come across hints, below we've provided a description of what each hint means and it's importance:
The Blue hint provides extra information on the current topic.
The Green hint is used for best practices, recommended actions and success notices.
The Orange hint is a warning message and will inform of something which can lead to errors or confusion.
The Red hint is a critical message and will often be used for important or error hints.
We are continually updating the Game Kit Controller documentation in an effort to ensure it's always remains current with the latest version of GKC. If you come across something that seems wrong, outdated or unclear please let us know on the Discord server and we'll be sure to get it improved as soon as possible.
Last updated
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